Friday, March 22, 2013

Kevin Adams Attack

There has been sad news circulating in the hobby in the last few days that the famous goblin sculptor Kevin Adams was attacked and beaten at knife point in his own home by three burglars and is currently in hospital recovering. The latest news is despite suffering shattered cheekbones and teeth he is recovering well and is in good spirits.

 From Dags "Some 'good' news - I've just heard that Kev's out of hospital.

He was stabbed in the face and chest and they took a knuckle duster to his face and broke his cheek bone.

But he will need an op to add some plates.

His nose was broken in a number of places but his eyes and hands are fine which means that he'll, hopefully, be back to work soonish."

The crew at Frothers UK have quickly setup a charity to help raise funds for his recovery and rehab which you can visit here to donate/support

Apparently they will be taking donations and will also be running a raffle consisting of tons of Kevin's sculpts to raise money. Encase you have been living under a rock and didn't know who Kevin is he is known as the Goblinmaster and has sculpted many of great goblin lines for Games Workshop, Foundry, White Knight and even the Halfling House mini pictured below.

We wish Kevin a speedy recovery and hope to see him pushing putty again soon!!

More of his work can be seen here

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