Thursday, February 14, 2013

Upcoming Releases from Warploque Miniatures!!!

I know, I know no updates for a long time now. Well to be honest I haven't actually painted anything for around 3 months as I have been suffering from a serious bout of painting block but I actually painted my first halfling yesterday!! Yay me!!! Pics coming soon.

I thought I would share with you a quick preview of more future halfling releases from Warpy at Warploque Miniatures!! He is an up and coming young scupltor and is churning out some excellent work at the moment. I have recently recieved around 20 of his characterful halflings which I will look to review in the near future but if you want to check out more of his work visit the following site and place some orders!!!

Anyway enjoy the pics below and how good is the halfling thing flinger and crew....finally some more hard hitting units for the podgey lil fellows.


  1. These look great, really clean looking sculpts, bet they're fun to paint :)

  2. Would love to get a batch of the halfling rangers from Warploque, but can't figure out how to get hold of them. Any ideas?
