Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halfling House Miniatures

Introducing the first release of Halfling House Miniatures in collaboration with WhiteKnight Miniature Imperium : a Halfling Duelist and a Halfling Highwayman sculpted by Kevin Adams.

Well I have been sitting on this lil secret for quite a while now......I have always dreamed of designing and releasing my own miniature but never really thought much of the idea until I got talking to WK from WhiteKnight Miniature Imperium about his range of exciting dwarfs and goblins and the work involved in designing and releasing them. I loved the idea of creating one of the best halfling characters on the market and I ran my idea of a halfling duelist past him based on the body of one of his existing Kevin Adams goblin sculpts. WK was kind enough to allow me to do so and helped out with commissioning Kevin Adams to convert the sculpt to match my sketch concept below. Kev's work more than exceeded my expectations and I'm sure that you will agree that he has done an excellent job... so for good measure I also decided to get an alternative halfling highwayman option sculpted touting a double barreled would of been rude not too right? This character would be well at home as a leader/hero for any halfling army or a great character in a Mordhiem setting.

I still have no idea what I am going to do with these guys yet and if I am actually going to release them at all or just in a small production run.

The orginal concept sketch

Encase you were wondering what inspired the whole idea......


  1. very good sculpt for funny and dynamic figures:
    congrats !

  2. Please let me know if you decide to sell them as I do want a pair of them !



  3. They look great, well done to all involved, can't wait to see them coloured in ^^

  4. I just stumbled across this blog looking for goblins of all things, however being a big fan of WK and Kev's work I immediately recognised the body.

    I thought how did I miss this guy he is perfect for my Witch Hunter Halflings idea, then after reading the text and finding out it was not WK mini I was like ok I will purchase it from you.

    Then I read it might not get cast WHAT!!!!! NO THIS WOULD BE SACRILEGE !!

    Please I beg you ( grovelling on the ground ) release this even if in a small number I would take at least 2 of each mini at least to start with.

    They are great looking miniatures and would be a total shame not to release them, so once again I plead to your better judgment release them.

    Thanks Roy AKA Lone Dirty Dog
