Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cecil's Ogre Slayers

Well here is a quick update of the first unit of the C11 Halflings I promised and I am well happy with how these guys came out, definitely my best painting to date by a long shot (pics turned out half decent too). Click on the image for a larger version.

Love these guys so much character and hope you like them as well. Next up is a 20 man unit of halfling adventurers which are shaping up nicely. If you like my halfling mission and would like to help please don't be shy to click millions of times on the google adds below to help fund my C11 collecting mission (sorry for the blatant plug but its worth a try no?)


  1. Great looking set of 80s halflings there - nice painting and the colour scheme really holds them all together as a unit. I notice a couple of the heroes from the Shire along the bottom row - were these re-released as C11s or have you been sneaky and mixed in some ME range?

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Cheers Zhu for the comments. You are correct there are the ME range in their which fit in seamlessly.
