Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Well after years of chasing this guy all over e-bay I have finally gotten hold of my own copy of the Citadel Unreleased Halfling pimp. There he is right there in my greasy lil hands. I thought I had got him for a decent price until the realisation of the full extent of the drop in the Aus dollar vs the pound kicked....but screw it the chase is officially over. I am not exactly sure what the full story is behind this mini or why it wasn't released so if anyone has any further info please feel free to let me know.

If you are interested in other unreleased Citadel/warhammer halflings then check out the photos below.

The first two were resin casts for internal GW staff and suspect the metal ones are potentially part of an unreleased halfling Mordhiem warband or perhaps cancel expansion of their halfling range. It anyone can shed any further light of these then feel free to do so.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

White Knight New Halfling Releases

Long time no update, it's been a busy summer but rest assured that I have been busy painting away in the background, probably my most fruitful painting period in a long time and I have a whole bunch of halflings, British Napoleonics, Vikings, Maori warriors and even WW1 Maori Contingent to showcase over the next couple of months. Unfortunately although many of these minis are painted they are actually for entry in a online fourm painting contest and I cannot publish photos of them until it is over....soz

But in the mean time check out the latest future releases from Whiteknight Miniatures including some cool zombie halflings and halfing archers....get an eye on his website as he has alot more halfling goodness on the way as well as some Marauder styled ogres!!

Check more out on the following link