Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wow 30,000 views and the 71st

Merry xmas to everyone where ever you are in the world.....I hope you had an amazing day and things didn't quite get as crazy as mine.....two days on and my head is still killing me!!!

My blog has been up for a couple of years now and I have just noticed that I have topped the 30,000 view mark!! Quite surprising really so thank you all for your support and please don't be too shy to follow or share with others.

Here are some shots of my latest base for the 71st Highland Lights....tried to get a sense of urgency and movement with this lot. I had painted anything of note for the last two months or so but hopefully that should change in the new year!!


Monday, December 17, 2012

New Spellcrow Halflings

I have stumbled across some relatively new halfling releases from a company called Spellcrow.

 They have the following 5 high fantasy style characters with a bit of a more feral feel to them....some decent sculpts in there but probably not that suitable for your rank and file halfling characters.

All the same still worth a look and probably someones cup of tea. They also have some other cool models and conversion parts in their range.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The 95th

Finished this unit of British Napoleonic 95th Rifles a lil while ago and overall I am pretty happy, prob some of my best painting to date but I tried a different approach with the basing which I don't think really paid off.

Haven't painted anything for 6 weeks or so but can hopefully get back into it and finished off that halflng unit.