Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Slack, Slack Me

Ok, ok I've been slack and no updates for a while but gaining a brand new girlfriend can do that to you and a real live one this time too ;-) Yeah right you say.... anyone who spends hours painting up lil men and then writing blogs about it is definitely lying about having a girlfriend.

Well despite the lack of updates I have actually been busy and have finally completed my 95th Rifles Unit and hope to get some pics up here in the next week or so. Naps? Who cares, much to tall! I hear you say, well fair enough but I am actually busy at work on the next unit of wee fellows with the Hobbittober Fest unit below already based and with the first 5 drunken feckers nearing completion so as the morons on tv say...stay tuned.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Hallfings from White Knight Miniatures

Long time no update? Well here you go!!!

Some exciting news from WK over at White Knight Miniatures is that he is set to release his new halfling heads sculpted by Kevin Adams. The highly detailed heads are full of character and can be utilised with his modular goblin landsknecht bodies to make large units of halfing warriors.

Currently on offer are 12 different head options (plus command) to be used on 12 different bodies (plus command) and 5 different weapons options...spear, halberd, sword and shield, crossbow and musket/rifle. Who could ask for more right? I may not be very good good with numbers but a rough calculation off the top of my head says there is about 10 billion different individual figure options there!!!

Finally budding halfling enthusiasts can build massive halfling armies with large rank and file units which is long long overdue in my opinion.

So hurry up and start saving your pennies for this pending release!!!

More info below.....

painted by Timbor over at http://mylifeinmm.blogspot.ca/