Monday, January 25, 2010


I know it's been a while but hey I have been busy and so have you. Unfortunately back at work now but had a great time on the gold coast over xmas and back to Sydney in time for the amazing fireworks display!!! I hope you all had a great break.

I know I am long overdue an update but that doesn't mean I haven't been painting. Almost finished my first Halfling Bandit unit and after messing around with my camera settings I somehow fluked a couple of half decent photos for a change. Well it has helped me convince myself that my painting isn't quite as crap as my complete lack of photo skills have been making out.



Here is the next unit which is well underway, a halfling mercenary fighter unit.....loads of character here.

The first halfie of this unit complete


This is my undead unit, minis by Heresy.....I have a halfling skeleton and a halfling devil lined up to add.

Some cute old Citadel halfings...these are fast becoming my favourite halflings and I'm considering collecting the whole series.

And yes I finally crossed this guy off my wanted list